J. Kent makes staffing part-time employees easy and beneficial for your company
A Part-Time Professional is an individual purposefully seeking a long-term, part-time position. They are proficient in MS Office, possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, are well organized, excel in time management, and are highly motivated.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics considers part-time work as 1 – 34 hours per week. However, in a 21st-century workplace, Part-Time Professionals work about 20 – 25 hours per week on average. At J. Kent Staffing, we will direct you to our Division which handles Part-Time searches if your hiring or staffing need is less than 30 hours/week.
Why People Choose Part-Time Professional Work
To be a “secondary wage earner”
To balance family and career responsibilities
To attend school
To remain partially active in the workforce after retirement
What are the Benefits of Using Part-Time Professionals?
A strategic business decision during economic downturns and tight budgets
Provides staff without the costs associated with a full-time employee
Employers pay only for the hours worked
Flexible scheduling to meet employer needs
Matches your workforce to your workload
Typically employers do not provide benefits for part-time jobs
Hire a Part-Time Professional Today!
Call to speak to a J. Kent Recruiter regarding your part-time career opportunities at 303-777-7734.