
Accounting Assistant, Denver, Colorado

Temporary Accounting Assistant Fills the Gap After an Unexpected Resignation


Accounting Assistant

Every company has been in this predicament before. After a sudden and unexpected resignation in their accounting department, our client – a land services company in the oil and gas industry – needed immediate help while they took some time to evaluate their needs.

After quickly conducting interviews, our client selected Stephen to step in and help.

Meet Stephen – J. Kent Temporary Accounting Assistant

Stephen received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies from Eckerd College in Florida and then worked for six years in land and natural resource management doing coding and GIS mapping work. Feeling stagnant, he decided to step away from his full-time position to travel, which eventually took him to Colorado.

Temporary work can be a great opportunity to try something new and different. After getting settled in Denver, he worked for six months as a Junior Accountant for a Denver-based retailer where his transferrable skills easily took to accounting support work.

After that assignment ended, he was placed by J. Kent Staffing as an Accounting Assistant for a land services company in the oil and gas industry. This role allowed Stephen to continue to build his accounting and QuickBooks skills and was in an industry where he had some exposure – land services.

Stephen began this job in early June with an estimated duration of one month. He has been doing an excellent job and our client recently extended his assignment indefinitely.

Stephen – thank you for stepping in, in a pinch!

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